Why Should I Have a Power Medical Procedure Table?

Why Should I Have a Power Medical Procedure Table?

Why should I have a Power Medical Procedure Table?

Properly equipping your Medical practice is essential to your success. Having the tools to treat your patients will help you to be more effective and provide optimum care. If you’re unsure of which Power Medical Procedure Table for your facility, here are a few considerations.

Here are a few reasons to have a Power Procedure Table in your Medical Practice:

-   Easily move the Power procedure Table when you are doing more than one treatment on a patient/client, save time as well as reducing stress on both the patient/ client and Staff.

-  With a Power Medical Procedure Table you will have the ability to move your patients/clients the optimum position for all procedures. 

-  Tax Savings. According to the ADA If you have a table that goes lower to assist with a handicapped patient you can receive a 50% tax savings up to $10,000

-  Save yourself a backache from lifting your patients and or clients, your table will do it for you.


Barrier Free Table

Barrier Free Power Table allows you hassle-free accessiblity and easy usage. A barrier-free exam chair can enable you to easily position patients. Additionally, this chair can allow patients of all heights to sit comfortably with a more secure backing. 


Power Medical Procedure Table

A Power Medical Procedure Table is accessible and can assist seniors, pregnant individuals, and other patients who experience limited movement due to certain health conditions. With a procedure table, you will be able to adjust the height, headrest, and other important sections to fit your examination needs.

Purchasing the right procedure table allows you to improve your medical services and customer service.

When it comes to understanding what type of power procedure table is right for you, be sure to analyze your facility’s needs and services to ensure you choose the right equipment. Give us a call, we can discuss the features and benefits of each of our Power Medical Procedure Tables.

Click here to View all of our Power Procedure Tables


Med-Resource 646-ETM Power Procedure Table

Daryl Danser